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Thursday, March 31, 2005


It's strange how my conversations at office these few days seem to revolve around denominations.

Actually, we have charismatics, Methodists, Lutherans, Catholics, etc at the office. As different as we are, I shared my dream with them to unite us all together. There may be some 'bad blood' or 'not so fine' experiences in the past, but all sides should put the past behind, remember what brings us together, and not focus on what sets us apart.
This, I believe, is not 'sweeping things under the carpet', but more towards building relationships based on our common love for God and hope in Christ, and what He has done for us, not what/how we are doing things for Him.

"Unity in the midst of Diversity".... the motto I am trying to share at work ....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

bad blood - ya.. good word from you!!!!

10:06 am


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