BLC's Community Blog - the Gatherings, Life Groups, discipleship, social issues, prayers, worship experiences, insights into the Scripture... no random statements of who we had lunch with and what our dogs ate for breakfast. The place where strangers get to know us as a community, who we are, what we're like, how we function, and to experience what it'll be like to be a part of us.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Take Time to Look at Your Life Part 2

So how is Life with Yourself? Here's the second installment for those who find questions helpful. Very often once we understand ourselves better, we'd very likely find it easier to discover the answers we're seeking for. :-) Enjoy the quest ...

How healthy are your sleeping, eating, and exercise patterns?

What experiences and factors are influencing how you feel about yourself at the moment?

What activities replenish you? Are you finding enough time for them? If not, how can you make more time for these things?

What are you learning from the books you're reading?

Is there a question that keeps surfacing in your heart — one you might have been staying too busy to hear? Could it be that this is God's question for you as well?


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