BLC's Community Blog - the Gatherings, Life Groups, discipleship, social issues, prayers, worship experiences, insights into the Scripture... no random statements of who we had lunch with and what our dogs ate for breakfast. The place where strangers get to know us as a community, who we are, what we're like, how we function, and to experience what it'll be like to be a part of us.

Monday, September 27, 2004

The Waiting Room? Q & A

Q: Why is it called The Waiting Room?

A: I was thinking of a name that wouldn't be boring, so instead of just naming it The Father's House, I decided make this blog an extension of The Father's House. For those of you in BLC, you would know that we have many rooms... the Living Room, the Thinking Room, the Learning Room, etc. One room we didn't have was a waiting room. And I thought yeah, that would work as the title of this blog! It's our waiting room throughout the week before we step into the Father's House on Sunday for the Gathering and on whatever day for our Life Groups.

Q: Why is the URL instead of

A: It may seem confusing to others at first, but this is afterall, still a BLC community blog, and we are known as The Father's House and The Waiting Room is merely an extension of it. So I felt the URL was more suitable because a URL containing thewaitingroom would be meaningless in itself.

Q: Who can contribute to The Waiting Room?

A: Anyone who considers themselves part of the BLC family may contribute. Just e-mail me, and I'll send you an invitation. Others not from BLC may post comments at the bottom of each entry.

Q: What is BLC?

A: BLC is an acronym for Bangsar Lutheran Church. We're a cozy congregation in Bangsar which is situated in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia pastored by Sivin Kit.

Q: What should we post on this blog?

A: Sugested postings: What's going on during the Gatherings, Life Groups and other activities, what we're doing for our community, things related to our discipleship, social issues, prayers, worship experiences, and insights into the Scripture.

No random opinions of who we had lunch with and what our dogs ate for breakfast. ;o) But meaningful experiences from your daily life are accepted.

Q: What's an appropriate size for photos?

A: The width should be 400 pixels or less to fit into the frame nicely. The height can be any variable.

Q: Can I redesign The Waiting Room?

A: Yes, you may! We'd be more than happy if anyone would like to help us out and redesign the blog.


Blogger Sivin Kit said...

James, look at the second question and you'll find it even more confusing and funny:-) BTW, I was thinking of another nice name - just for fun and a pun on Mr. Gates. How about Stained-glass windows - so people can look into what we do in the Father's house ... anyway, I liked this Q & A. Your interview skills are improving by the day!

2:28 pm

Blogger James Tan Chin Choy said...

*haha* Yes... that was funny, but I've rectified it! *haha* And I'm glad you liked the Q&A. :o)

3:27 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi i take a minute to make a note at your guest book, as i always take info from this site.
__________<<_My Home Page_>>____________

4:36 am

Blogger button said...

Your site was useful. I was wondering how a church might use blogging to facilitate more conversation about say a sermon.

8:01 am

Blogger button said...

Hi, Just checking other church websites to see how they are using blogging. Do you ever blog about the sermon?

8:02 am


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