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Monday, June 13, 2005

Simple Conversation

Below is an email conversation I had with my unchurched colleague. Sometimes, simple conversation like this help us see beyond our own problems at work and towards God's purpose for us at work instead. You'll be amazed what you'll find out.

Daniel: "u know what u shd do instead.........8-))) . u shd go back to church and seek God.....i can see that u r quite miserable.....always seeking out for things to fill the void in your u r going after philosophy pulak.... btw, what drove u away from church, maybe can share a bit."

Karl: "actually i still hold strong faith with the lord. unfortunately every since i got back i stop attended service. difficult la introvert when i comes to religions matters/worship. these days churches are all going the charismatic route.
when in aussie.. it was mostly small community worships. i am slowly trying to join irenes church... but they very happening la their church. but i must admit i do feel a void in my life... sense of accomplishment, living life.. seems to me these days the only think i look forward to when working is going home???. and when i am free at home to go skip work and go for holiday break??? could be the mid life crisis genes i carry in me. which is why i though maybe studying philosophy would help me grasp more meaning."

Daniel: "not true that all churches are going all charismatic. why not u and irene come visit my church in bangsar next sun....i promise u it's different (dont worry not cult though 8-))). my church is quite small, around 60+ pple including children. i'm sure u'll fit well.....our members comprised of pple from all walks of life, from IT pple to lawyers to soon-to-be uni professors to video editor to journalist, etc....the great thing is majority are from 25-35 of age. my pastor is also a very open person. not ur typical textbook religous pastor.
maybe what u need is to belong in a small community, small group. i see going to church on sundays only to fulfill "religous" responsibility as nothing more than a ritual. that won't get you anywhere. u need to go beyond that, joining a small group may help give a sense of belonging and support."

Karl: "maybe i will take you up on the offer but not this week la... when i am ready. i know one can never be ready but give me sometime. btw way where is your church in bangsar? i read your blog about the finance person leaving. guess his/her situation was similar to the former hp ceo."


Blogger Sivin Kit said...

conversations like this one (thanks Daniel for sharing) are really precious. I just got a phone call to day by someone I met at the Grace Methodist Church camp. She got baptised there ... and I had a chance to speak with her husband (who said he wasn't a Christian). We had a short but meaningful talk on what was hindering him. He didn't "accept Christ" immediately but we had a good conversation. Surprisingly, May Chin and I bumped into them again at MPH 1 Utama on the Sunday before our Holiday. A short conversation again. Today, a phone call came to me while in the LRT. The wife just wanted to share her joy with me her husband decided to take "the leap of faith" and trust Jesus! I remember telling him before leaving the camp I'm looking forward to hear about his baptism ... looks like it'll be soon. Where was God working? I believe somewhere hidden in the conversations and times spend together ... Good stuff Daniel.

10:05 pm

Blogger Amy said...

thanks for sharing that conversation. I'm encouraged to hear of the little everyday ways that people are reaching out.

9:40 pm


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