Take Time to Look at Your Life Part 3
I realize that I've only stopped at part 2 ... but where we spend most of our waking hours - 9 to 5. Or for most of us, it's more than that ... these questions are very important to us ... read on, reflect, and respond as we hear the "still small voice" prompting us.
Life in Your Vocation
What do you think is your goal or purpose in life? How do the activities of your daily life and your vision for the future align with that purpose?
Are you enjoying your studies or work? How do you respond when people ask you about school or work?
How do you meet God in your studies or work? Have you sought his guidance when you run across problems? How has he answered you? For what can you thank him in your work life?
What are you doing to understand and apply biblical concepts to your academic discipline or profession?
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