BLC's Community Blog - the Gatherings, Life Groups, discipleship, social issues, prayers, worship experiences, insights into the Scripture... no random statements of who we had lunch with and what our dogs ate for breakfast. The place where strangers get to know us as a community, who we are, what we're like, how we function, and to experience what it'll be like to be a part of us.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Part-time, Full-time, Some-time?

Worship is an everyday thing. Not a Sunday-thing, nor a 2-times-in-a-week thing. So too is our commitment and faith in our Lord, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Commitment is something we take on and give it our all. The word commitment in itself means dedication towards being a part of or doing something. There is no such thing as half-hearted commitment in my opinion. The day we accepted God in our lives, we accepted to be His humble servants. It's funny how people view commitment sometimes. When we commit to a relationship with another human being (a girlfriend or boyfriend for example), do we commit to them part-time? Do we tell them we only want to see them 3 days in a week and if we have to see them a 4th day in a particular week, do we make a deal with them to see them a day less the following week as a replacement? Does it matter how many days in a row we see them? Should there be a fixed pattern? Same goes with our commitment to God. Do we attend service at church on Sundays because of routine? Because its a corporate or religious thing to do on Sunday? Do we serve at church because we feel obligated to? Because some church member asked us to? Serving God is an honour. It's sad for me to see that not everyone feels as such. It's sad to see that for some, God isn't the true driving force behind our motives and actions as disciples of Christ. Should being commited in our Life Group participation, serving at church as part of the Worship Team or attending service on Sunday be such a 'job'? Shouldn't each be seen as an opportunity to meet with God? Or perhaps sometimes even seen as a place of comfort?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

SB: You are making me think, Chin Hor- thank you! From your fellow keeper who keeps coming at 10!!

1:26 pm

Blogger James Tan Chin Choy said...

I love the passion and the commitment you bring into our community. You are an example of someone who hasn't gotten it all yet, but doesn't stop trying or contributing. I'm glad you mirror one of the most important issues raised at Worship Wars: No More!... our whole life is worship unto God.

4:09 pm


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