BLC's Community Blog - the Gatherings, Life Groups, discipleship, social issues, prayers, worship experiences, insights into the Scripture... no random statements of who we had lunch with and what our dogs ate for breakfast. The place where strangers get to know us as a community, who we are, what we're like, how we function, and to experience what it'll be like to be a part of us.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Lead us to Dance ...

[Lead us to Dance Video]

This is one of my favorite videos of the children of BLC freely dancing as others were practising a song for a wedding earlier this year. One of the joys our family had this week is to watch a number of the videos I've taken with my little Canon A70. I'll be posting some of my favorites whenever I feel it's easy to get bogged down my "overloaded" brainy stuff or "entangled" concerns. These videos connect me to what's human (as well as some humor). I find God connects with me through these simple moments :-)

*Originally posted here Lead us to Dance ...


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