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Thursday, January 05, 2006

Second Thoughts on Children and More...

"The church's ministry to children is broken…It's broken when church leaders and senior pastors see children's ministry primarily as a marketing tool…Something is broken when we trivialize God to our children…It's broken when we depend on our programs and our curriculum to introduce our children to God—not our families and communities…And perhaps most importantly, it's broken when the church tells parents that its programs can spiritually nurture their children better than they can." —Ivy Beckwith in Postmodern Children's Ministry

My involvement in church as a child was sporadic, preferring basketball and kung fu on Sundays. I started attending regularly as a youth. After seminary, my main focus was as a youth and worship pastor; so it wasn't until recently that I even really thought much about children's ministry. For more click here

(This article was written in 2005 and we've been working on Step 5 and desire to see improvement in 2006. Let's walk together!)


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