BLC's Community Blog - the Gatherings, Life Groups, discipleship, social issues, prayers, worship experiences, insights into the Scripture... no random statements of who we had lunch with and what our dogs ate for breakfast. The place where strangers get to know us as a community, who we are, what we're like, how we function, and to experience what it'll be like to be a part of us.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Side Affects of a LiFE Group Meeting

Post LG Effects
Originally uploaded by sivinkit.
It's good to have both "old" & "new" people in a LiFe Group. There are new dynamics and interesting chemistry that happens. This photo tries to capture the post LiFE Group meeting affects after some fried mee, a good dose of interacting with the Scriptures, conversing with humans and sincere prayer support.

More pictures on the way.


Blogger Chin Hor said...

Kong Hei Fatt Choy Liz! We missed you at life group, it broke your fine streak, but nevertheless, we know you'll be back! We spoke of you though ;) Not behind your back, just about you *hehe*

9:02 am


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